Walkways to enjoy different sceneries and changes of time and seasons

Urban Open Space

Walkways to enjoy different sceneries and changes of time and seasons

Urban open spaces encourage people to walk and maintain health

Open space where we can “take a walk” while keeping social distancing in the middle of a city is precious. This was commonly found feeling from people in different places since the start of pandemic in 2020. A MIT research shows that “people explored their own neighborhoods in a recreational way more during lockdown than pre-pandemic. Such wanderings, the researcher says, “should be encouraged by making any large, multi-lane intersections safer to cross for the elderly, sick, or those with young children1. Walkways offer people safe environment to enjoy different sceneries that change time on a day or in different seasons without car disruptions.

1 Stephanie M. McPherson. 2021. Lockdowns reveal inequities in opportunities for walking activities. [online] Available at: https://news.mit.edu/2021/lockdowns-reveal-inequities-opportunities-walking-activities-0719  [Accessed 29 December 2022].