Overview of Urban Open Spaces’ transition during COVID-19 time from year 2020 to 2022

Urban Open Space

Overview of Urban Open Spaces’ transition during COVID-19 time from year 2020 to 2022

COVID-19 has been making us realized a role of open spaces that allow us free movement in urban areas. Open spaces are crucial for physical and mental health. Based on examples shared from volunteers, we observe that from 2020 to 2022, #1 New ways to use Urban Opens Spaces appeared and #2 Some features of Open Spaces have been highlighted and enhanced – such as health benefit.

#1 New ways to use Urban Opens Spaces

Throughout the past three years, we observe that people started using Urban Opensapces more for new purposes. Here are some examples.

#2 Also, some features of Open Spaces have been highlighted and enhanced

Urban open spaces encourage people to walk and maintain health

Walkways to enjoy different sceneries and changes of time and seasons

Series of various open spaces along waterfront (coming soon)